Thursday, 30 July 2015

Tricky Way To Learn General Knowledge

(1)  कर्क रेखा (TROPIC OF CANCER) भारत के कितने राज्यों से होकर गुजरती है 
MP ke GR CJM KO TB hai


(2) छोटी आंत (Small Intestine) से निकलने वाले ENZIMES
Trick ---- "SMiLLE"
1. S--------Sucrase
2. M--------Maltase
3. L--------Lactase
4. L--------Lipase
5. E--------Erepsin.

(3) Himalayan ranges from top to bottom
TRICK :- Kal Jana Padega Desh Se..
 = karakoram
2.j = zaskar
3.P – Pirpanjal
4.D = dauladhar
5.S = shiwalik

(4) Ye Himalay Ki Parvat Sredi hai
TRICK :- (aap logo ne kabhi “KALA PIZA” khaya hai  nahi na to aaj khaiye )

1.Ka – karakoram – laddakh
3.pi – pir panjal
4.Za – zansker

(5) Mughal’s Empire ke sasako ke naam

1"UNO सुरक्षा परिषद के permanent Member"
TRICK - "रूस का FACE"
रूस = रूस
का = Silent
F = फ्रांस
A = अमेरिका
C = चीन
E = इंग्लैण्ड

2.  जीवाणु से होने वाले प्रमुख रोग ((Bacteria)
TRICK- “ पंडित का टिक न्यु है ”
1. पं— प्लेग
2. डि— डिपथिरिया
3. त— टायफाइड
4. का— काला खाँसी
5. टि— टिटनस
6. क— कुष्ट
7. न्यु— न्युमोनिया
8. है— हैजा

3. लोहे (Iron) का उत्पादन करने वाले देशों के नाम क्रमानुसार 
1st→  CH = China
2nd→  A = Australiya
3rd→  B = Brazil
4th→  I = India

4..उत्पादन (Production) मे भारत का विश्व मे प्रथम स्थान।
‪‎Trick‬ : चीनी नारी का आका अंदर है
का-काली मिर्च

5. भारतीय नदियाँ (Indian River) हैं जो पश्चिम की ओर बहती हैं
‪‎Trick‬ : समानता
सा = साबरमती नदी
मा = माही नदी
न = नर्मदा नदी
ता = ताप्ती नदी

Monday, 8 June 2015

Some Important GK

1--The bell metal is an alloy of--Tin and copper
2--Parsec is a measure of--Orbital velocity of giant stars
3--By fixation of nitrogen is meant--Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into Useful compounds
4--The manufacture of iron ore Involves the process of--Reduction
5--A double convex air bubble in water would Behave as a--Divergent lens
6--Oxygen is manufactured by the fractional Evaporation of--Liquid air
7--Sodium burns in air to give--Sodium peroxide
8--Rust is--A mixture of Fe2O3.3H2O and Feo
9--During burnings of fuels, carbon and Hydrogen present in the fuels are--Converted into carbon dioxide and Water vapour
10--The phenomenon of “metamerism” is Shown by--Methyl propylether and diethyl ether
11--If two liquids have widely different boiling Points, they may be separated by--Fractional distillation
12--German Silver is an alloy of--Zinc, Copper & Nickel
13--From which mineral is radium obtained--Pitchblende
14--Alloys is used for making magnets--Alnico
15--Which is used in making smoke bombs --Phosphorus
16--Carborandum is--Silicon Carbide
17--Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding--Washing Soda
18--The chemical name of Uria is--Carbamide
19--The presence of which salts in water causes corrosion in steam boilers--Magnesium Chloride
20--The element required for Solar energy conversion--Silicon

Monday, 1 June 2015


Trick to remember few History Events:

->PIa In MP 47-(1947)
PIa-Partition of India
In-Indian independence act
MP-Mountbatten plan

->FCI 46-(1946)
F-Formation of constituent assembly
C-cabinet mission plan
I-interim government

->SSC GaP 23(diff of 4)
S-Swaraj party(1923)
SC-Simon commission(1927)
GAP-Gandhi Irwin pact(1931)

->KHa N 20
K-Khilafat movement
H-home rule league(1916-1920)
N-non-cooperation movement

->RJ 19-1919
R-rowlatt act
J-jallianwalabagh massacre

->LUCKy HOME16-1916
LUCK-LUCKnow pact
HOME-HOMErule movement

->GIa 858 & INC 885
Govt of India act 1858
Indian national congress-1885

->PS & M(+1) 05
P-partition of bengal
S- swadeshi movement
M-muslim league(1906)

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Compound Interest and Its question

  • Amount = Principal + Interest
  • Simple Interest = (Principal x Rate x Time)/100
  • A = P Here A = amount, P = principal, r = rate percent yearly (or every fixed period) and n is the number of years (or terms of the fixed period).
  • C.I. = P , where C.I. = compound interest
  • If the interest rates for the successive fixed periods are r1%, r2%, r3% ..., then A (amount) is given by
  • S.I. (simple interest) and C.I. (compound interest) are equal for the first year (or the first term of the fixed period) on the same sum and at the same rate.
  • C.I. of 2nd year (or the second term of the fixed period) is more than the C.I. of 1st year or the first term of the fixed period), and C.I. of 2nd Year -C.I. of 1st year = S.I. on the interest of the first year.
  • Equal installments (with compound interest):
    Loan amount = P
    where P = each equal installment
    R = rate of interest per annum (or per specified period)
    T = time, say 3 years (or 3 specified terms).
    Note. If T = n years (or specified terms), then there will be n brackets.


  1. You invest Rs 5000 at 12% interest compounded annually. How much is in the account after 2 years, assuming that you make no subsequent withdrawal or deposit?
  2. Find the amount and the compound interest on Rs 4000 at 10% p.a. for 2½ years.
  3. A man invests Rs 5000 for three years at a certain rate of interest, compounded annually. At the end of one year it amounts to Rs 5600. Calculate
    (i) the rate of interest per annum,
    (ii) the interest accrued in the second year,
    (iii) the amount at the end of the third year.
  4. A sum of Rs 9600 is invested for 3 years at 10% per annum at compound interest.
    (i) What is the sum due at the end of the first year?
    (ii) What is the sum due at the end of the second year?
    (iii) Find the compound interest earned in two years.
    (iv) Find the difference between the answers (ii) and (i) and find the interest on this sum for one year.
    (v) Hence write down the compound interest for the third year.
  5. Find the difference between the S.I. and C.I. on Rs 2500 for 2 years at 4% p.a., compound interest reckoned semi-annually.
  6. Find the amount and the compound interest on Rs 8000 in 2 years if the rate is 10% for the first year and 12% for the second year.
  7. A man invests Rs 6500 for 3 years at 4·5% p.a. compound interest reckoned yearly. Income tax at the rate of 20% is deducted at the end of each year. Find the amount at the end of the third year.
  8. Calculate the compound interest for the second year on Rs 8000 invested for 3 years at 10% p.a.
  9. Find the sum which amounts to Rs 9261 at 10% p.a. compound interest for 18 months, interest payable half-yearly.
  10. On what sum will the compound interest for 2 years at 5% p.a. be Rs 246?
  11. On what sum will the compound interest (reckoned yearly) for 3 years at 6¼% per annum be Rs 408·50?
  12. A man invests Rs 1200 for two years at compound interest. After one year his money amounts to Rs 1275. Find the rate of compound interest. Also find the amount which the man will get after 2 years correct to the nearest paise.
  13. At what rate percent per annum compound interest will Rs 2000 amount to Rs 2315·25 in 3 years?
  14. If Rs 50000 amounts to Rs 73205 in 4 years, find the rate of compound interest payable yearly.
  15. In what time will Rs 15625 amount to Rs 17576 at 4% per annum compound interest?
  16. In what time will a sum of Rs 2500 produce Rs 309 at 6% per annum compound interest?
  17. In what time will a sum of Rs 800 at 10% per annum compounded half-yearly produce Rs 126·10?
  18. The simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 4% p.a. is Rs 450. Find the compound interest on this sum of money at the same rate
    (i) for 1 year if the interest is reckoned semi-annually.
    (ii) for 2 years if the interest is reckoned annually.
  19. At what rate of compound interest will Rs 625 amount to Rs 729 after 2 years? Also find the maturity value of Rs 625 after 2 years at the above rate of simple interest.
  20. Ram and Bhola each borrow equal sums for 3 years at 10% p.a. simple interest and compound interest respectively. At the time of repayment, Bhola has to pay Rs 372 more than Ram. Find the sum borrowed and interest paid by each.
  21. The difference between the compound interest for a year payable half-yearly and the simple interest on a certain sum of money lent out at 10% p.a. for a year is Rs 15. Find the sum of money lent out.
  22. The difference between compound interest and simple interest in 3 years at 10% p.a. reckoned yearly is Rs 18·60. Find the sum and the compound interest.
  23. The amount at compound interest which is calculated yearly on a certain sum of money is Rs 1250 in one year and Rs 1375 in two years. Calculate the rate of interest.
  24. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs 10584 in two years and to Rs 11113·20 in three years, interest being compounded annually. Find the interest rate percent and the original sum.
  25. The compound interest and the simple interest on the same sum of money at the same rate percent per annum are Rs 410 and Rs 400 respectively. Find the rate of interest and the sum of money.
  26. The compound interest calculated yearly on a certain sum of money for the second year is Rs 880 and for the third year it is Rs 968. Find the rate of interest and the original money.
  27. The simple interest on a certain sum for 3 years is Rs 150 and the compound interest on the same sum at the same rate for 2 years is Rs 110. Find the rate of interest and the principal.
  28. A sum of money lent at C.I. on 1st April 96 amounts to Rs 2420 on 1st April 98 and to Rs 2662 on 1st April 99. Find the rate of interest and the sum.
  29. The simple interest in 3 years and the compound interest in 2 years on a certain sum at the same rate are Rs 1200 and Rs 832 respectively. Find
    (i) the rate of interest, (ii) the principal,
    (iii) the difference between C.I. and S.I. for three years.
  30. The value of a machine depreciates every year at the rate of 10% of its value. The machine was purchased for Rs 40000 when new and it was sold for Rs 29160. Find the number of years that the machine was used.
  31. A man borrowed a sum of money and agrees to pay off by paying Rs 3150 at the end of the first year and Rs 4410 at the end of the second year. If the rate of compound interest is 5% p.a., find the sum borrowed.
  32. A man borrowed a certain sum of money and paid it back in 2 years in two equal instalments. If the rate of compound interest was 4% p.a. and if he paid Rs 676 annually, what sum did he borrow?
  33. A sum of Rs 16400 is borrowed to be paid back in 2 years by two equal annual instalments allowing 5% compound interest. Find the annual payment.
  34. A loan of Rs 4641 is to be paid back by 4 equal annual instalments. The interest is compounded yearly at 10%. Find the value of each instalment.
  35. A man borrows Rs 6000 at 5% p.a. compound interest. If he repays Rs 1200 at the end of each year, find the amount outstanding at the beginning of the third year.


1. Rs 6272        2. Rs 5082; Rs 1082
3. (i) 12%         (ii) Rs 672      (iii) Rs 6952·64
4. (i) Rs 10560 (ii) Rs 11616  (iii) Rs 2016
   (iv) Rs 1056, Rs 105·60       (v) Rs 1161·60
5. Rs 6·08        6. Rs 9856; Rs 1856            7. Rs 7227·56
8. Rs 880         9. Rs 8000     10. Rs 2400 11. Rs 2048
12. 6¼%; Rs 1354·69             13. 5%          14. 10%
15. 3 years       16. 2 years      17. 1½ years
18. (i) Rs 227·25                     (ii) Rs 459
19. 8%; Rs 725                      20. Rs 12000; Rs 3600, Rs 3972
21. Rs 6000     22. Rs 600; Rs 196·60          23. 10%
24. 5% p.a., Rs 9600              25. 5% p.a., Rs 4000
26. 10%, Rs 8000                   27. 20%; Rs 250
28. 10%, Rs 2000
29. (i) 8%        (ii) Rs 5000          (iii) Rs 98·56
30. 3 years       31. Rs 7000         32. Rs 1275
33. Rs 8820     34. Rs 1464·10    35. Rs 4155

River system of India- Peninsular Rivers

     Peninsular Rivers of India
Different from the Himalayan rivers because they are seasonable in their flow (while Himalayan rivers are perennial). They can be divided into two groups: 

A. East Flowing Rivers of India (or Delta forming rivers)
  • Mahanadi River (858 km): Rises in Raipur distt. in Chhatisgarh. Main tributaries: lb, Seonath, Hasdo, Mand, Jonk, Tel, etc. 
  • Godavari River (1465 km): Also called Vriddha Ganga or Dakshina Ganga. It is the longest peninsular river. Rises in Nasik. Main tributaries: Manjra, Penganga, Wardha, Indravati, Wainganga, Sabari, etc. 
  • Krishna River (1327 km): Rises in Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar. Main tributaries: Koyna, Dudhganga, Panchganga, Malprabha, Ghatprabha, Bhima, Tungabhadra, Musi, etc. 
  • Cauvery River (805 km): It is the largest peninsular river (maximum amount of water). Infact, it is the only peninsular river which flows almost throughout the year. Known as the ‘Ganga of the South’. It rises from the Brahmagir range of Western Ghats. Main tributaries: Hemavati, Lokpawni, Shimsa. It is less seasonal than others as its upper catchment area receives rainfall during summer by the S.W monsoon and the lower catchment area during winter season by the retreating N.E. monsoon. Its 90% – 95% irrigation and power production potential is already being harnessed. 
  • Swarnarekha River (395 km) and Brahmani (705 km): Rises from Ranchi Plateau. 

B. West Flowing Rivers in India
  • Narmada River (1057 km): Has only l/10th part in Gujarat. Rises in Amarkantak Plateau and flows into Gulf of Khambat. It forms the famous Dhuan Dhar Falls near Jabalpur. Main tributaries: Hiran, Burhner, Banjar, Shar, Shakkar, Tawa, etc. 
  • Tapti River (724 km): Rises from Betul distt in MR Also known as twin or handmaid of Narmada. Main tributaries: Purna, Betul, Arunavati, Ganjal, etc. 
  • Sabarmati River (416 km): Rises from Aravallis in Rajasthan. 
  • Mahi River (560 km): Rises from Vindhyas in MR 
  • Luni River (450 km): Rises from Aravallis. Also called Salt River. It is finally lost in the marshy grounds at the head of the Rann of Kuchchh. 
  • Sharavati is a west flowing river of the Sahyadris. It forms the famous Jog or Gersoppa or Mahatma Gandhi Falls (289 m), which is the highest waterfall in India. 

Installment on Compound Interest

If lent money is Rs. P and each instalments is Rs. x, then

P = x/(1+r/100) + x/(1+r/100)^2 +     x / (1+r/100)^3 + ….

Names of Chemical Compounds

                Chemical Compounds
Baking Powder                 Sodium Bicarbonate
Blue Vitriol                       Copper Sulphate
Bleaching Powder            Calcium Oxychloride
Chloroform                       Trichloro Methane
Chalk (Marble)                Calcium Carbonate
Caustic Potash                 Potassium Hydroxide
Caustic Soda                    Sodium Hydroxide
Dry Ice                              Solid Carbondioxide
Epsom                               Magnesium Sulphate
Gypsum                            Calcium Sulphate
Green Vitriol                   Ferrous Sulphate
Heavy Water                   Deuterium Oxide
Vinegar                            Acetic Acid
Washing Soda                 Sodium Carbonate
Slaked Lime                    Calcium Hydroxide
Potash Alum                   Potassium Aluminium Sulphate
Quick Lime                     Calcium Oxide
Plaster of Paris               Calcium Sulphate
Mohr's Salt                     Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate
White Vitriol                  Zinc Sulphate
Marsh Gas                       Methane
Magnesia                         Magnesium Oxide
Laughing Gas                  Nitrous Oxide
Vermelium                      Mercuric Sulphide
Sugar                                Sucrose
T.N.T.                               Trinitrotoluene
Sand                                 Silicon Oxide

Important Days

Important Days in January 

  • January 1 ——— Global Family Day
  • January 15 ——— Army Day
  • January 23 ——— Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s birth anniversary
  • January 26 ——— Republic Day
  • January 26 ——— International Customs day
  • January 28 ——— Birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai
  • January 28 ——— Data Protection Day
  • January 30 ——— World Leprosy Eradication Day

Important Days and Dates in February

  • February 4 ——— World Cancer Day
  • February 5 ——— Kashmir Day
  • February 6 ——— International Day against Female Genital Mutilation
  • February 12 ——— Darwin Day
  • February 12 ——— World Day of the Sick
  • February 14 ——— Valentine’s Day
  • February 20 ——— World Day of Social Justice
  • February 21 ——— International Mother Language Day
  • February 22 ——— World Scout Day
  • February 23 ——— World Peaces and Understanding Day

Important Days and Dates in March

  • March 4 ——— World Day of the Fight Against Sexual Exploitation
  • March 8 ——— International Womens’ Day
  • March 13 ——— World Kidney Day
  • March 13 ——— World Rotaract Day
  • March 15 ——— World Consumer Rights Day
  • March 20 ——— International Day of the Francophonie
  • March 20 ——— World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People
  • March 21 ——— World Sleep Day
  • March 21 ——— World Forestry Day
  • March 21 ——— International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
  • March 22 ——— World Water Day
  • March 23 ——— World Meteorological Day
  • March 24 ——— World TB Day
  • March 24 ——— International Day for Achievers
  • March 25 ——— International Day of Remembrance – Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade
  • March 27 ——— World Drama Day

Important Days and Dates in April 

  • April 2 ——— World Autism Awareness Day
  • April 7 ——— World Health Day
  • April 17 ——— World Haemophilia Day
  • April 18 ——— World heritage Day
  • April 22 ——— Earth Day
  • April 23 ——— World Book and Copyright Day
  • April 25 ——— World Malaria Day
  • April 29 ——— International Dance Day

Important Days and Dates in May

  • May 1 ——— International Labour day
  • May 3 ——— Press Freedom Day
  • May 4 ——— Coal Miners day
  • May 8 ——— World Red Cross day
  • May 9 ——— – Victory Day
  • May 11 ——— National Technology Day
  • May 12 ——— International Nurses day
  • May 14 ——— World Migratory day
  • May 15 ——— International Day of the Family
  • May 17 ——— World Information Society Day
  • May 21 ——— Anti-Terrorism Day
  • May 31 ——— World No Tobacco Day

Important Days and Dates in June

  • June 4 ——— International day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
  • June 5 ——— World Environment Day
  • June 7 ——— International Level Crossing Awareness Day
  • June 8 ——— World oceans Day
  • June 12 ——— World Day against Child Labour
  • June 14 ——— World Blood Donor day
  • June 17 ——— World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
  • June 20 ——— World Refugee Day
  • June 23 ——— United Nations Public Service Day
  • June 23 ——— International widow’s day
  • June 26 ——— International Day against Drug Abuse and IIlicit Trafficking
  • June 27 ——— International Diabetes Day

Important Days and Dates in July 

  • July 1 ——— National doctor’s Day
  • July 11 ——— World Population Day
  • July 12 ——— Malala Day
  • July 18 ——— Nelson Mandela International Day
  • July 28 ——— World Nature Conservation day
  • July 30 ——— International Day of Friendship

Important Days and Dates in August

  • August 3 ——— Independence Day of Niger
  • August 5 ——— Independence Day of Upper Volta
  • August 9 ——— International day of the World’s Indigenous People
  • August 12 ——— International Youth Day
  • August 15 ——— Independence Day (India )
  • August 23 ——— Internatinal Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
  • August 29 ——— National Sports Day ( Birthday of Dhyan Chand )

Important Days and Dates in September

  • September 5 ——— Teacher’s Day (Dr. Radhakrishnan’s Birth Day)
  • September 7 ——— Forgiveness Day
  • September 8 ——— International Literacy Day
  • September 14 ——— Hindi day,World First Aid Day
  • September 16 ——— World Ozone Day
  • September 21 ——— International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer’s day
  • September 25 ——— Social Justice Day
  • September 27 ——— World Tourism Day

Important Days and Dates in October

  • October 1 ——— International Day of Older Persons
  • October 2 ——— International day of Non-Violence
  • October 3 ——— World Nature Day, World Habitat Day
  • October 4 ——— World Animal Day
  • October 5 ——— World Teacher’s Day
  • October 8 ——— Indian Airforce Day
  • October 9 ——— World Post Day
  • October 11 ——— International Girl Child Day
  • October 12 ——— World Arthritis Day
  • October 14 ——— World Standards Day
  • October 15 ——— World Students Day
  • October 16 ——— World Food day
  • October 17 ——— International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
  • October 20 ——— World Statistics Day
  • October 24 ——— United Nations Day
  • October 31 ——— World Thrift Day

Important Days and Dates in November

  • November 1 ——— world vegan Day
  • November 5 ——— World Radiography Day
  • November 9 ——— World Services Day
  • November 14 ——— Children’s Day ( Birth Anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru )
  • November 16 ——— International Day for Endurance
  • November 17 ——— International students Day
  • November 17 ——— National Journalism Day
  • November 18 ——— World Adult Day
  • November 19 ——— World Citizen Day
  • November 20 ——— Universal Children’s Day
  • November 21 ——— World Television Day
  • November 21 ——— World Fisheries day
  • November 25 ——— World Non-veg Day
  • November 26 ——— Law Day
  • November 30 ——– Flag Day

Important Days and Dates in December

  • December 1 ——— World AIDS Day
  • December 2 ——— World Computer Literacy Day
  • December 2 ——— International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
  • December 3 ——— International Day of People with Disability
  • December 3 ——— World Conservation Day
  • December 4 ——— Navy Day
  • December 5 ——— International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
  • December 7 ——— International Civil Aviation Day
  • December 9 ——— The International Day Against Corruption
  • December 10 ——— International Day of Broadcasting
  • December 10 ——— Human Rights Day
  • December 11 ——— International Mountain Day
  • December 14 ——— World Energy Day
  • December 18 ——— International Migrants Day
  • December 19 ——— Goa’s Liberation Day
  • December 20 ——— International Human Solidarity Day
  • December 29 ——— International Biodiversity Day